Amazing Gorilla Tours

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About us


The most reputable and modest boutique safari business is Amazing Gorilla Tours, which goes above and beyond the norm. Our passion is organizing amazing and transformative trips to Uganda for discriminating tourists who have a strong interest in trekking with mountain gorillas, chimpanzees, and wildlife safaris.

Our satisfaction comes from helping travelers discover and continually rediscover new locations in Uganda by offering them distinctive, off-the-beaten-path experiences. We are quite curious. 

In order to reveal these mysteries and unearth uncommon and hidden experiences in Africa, we create both opulent and affordable safari itineraries. Every safari trip we organize and carry out is specially designed to meet the demands of the customer, whether they are interested in day and night game safaris, boat safaris along the mighty Nile and well-known Kazinga Channel, water rafting, cultural tours, or flying-in-safaris across Uganda.